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REGULATIONS OF THE HOSPITAL OF THE VETERINARY CLINIC by the Veterinary Clinic Zviropolis – Veterinary Center

Located in Warsaw at 2/172 Sejmu Czteroletniego Street.

1. Admission to the hospital run by the Veterinary Clinic “Zviropolis Veterinary Center” (the Hospital) shall be conditional on the signing by the Animal Holder of a consent to inpatient treatment at the Hospital, the form of which is attached to the Regulations, acceptance of the expected cost of treatment, payment of the fee for the first day of the animal’s stay at the Hospital and acceptance of these Regulations. 

2. The Holder of a hospitalized animal will be considered the person in whose name the animal is registered in the electronic system of the Veterinary Clinic “Zviropolis Veterinary Center” (the Clinic). 

3. In order to provide the owner of the animal with information regarding the hospitalized animal, the doctor or staff of the Clinic will contact the owner of the animal by telephone at least once a day. Contact with the animal owner may be attempted during the following time periods: 10.00-20.00. 

4. Respecting the above-mentioned rules of contact will allow the Hospital to devote a sufficiently long time to the animal owner during the conversation and provide all the necessary information. 

5. The owner of the animal or a person authorized in writing to make decisions on behalf of the owner will be informed about the condition of the hospitalized animal.

6. All information about the cost of inpatient treatment of an animal at the Hospital is available at the Clinic Reception (on site or by telephone) or from the treating veterinarian. Within the framework of the contact referred to in paragraph 3 above, the Hospital shall, at the request of the owner of the animal, provide him with information on the current status of the account. 

7. In the event of a sudden deterioration of the animal’s health or circumstances arise for the performance of previously unforeseen diagnostic and clinical procedures that will generate costs in excess of previously planned amounts, the Clinic’s staff will contact the animal’s owner as soon as possible to inform him of the situation and to obtain approval for their performance. When contact with the animal owner is not possible, the decision is made by the veterinarian based on the welfare of the animal.

8. The treatment and feeding plan is determined by the attending physician. The hospitalized animal is under 24-hour care of the doctor on duty and support staff of the Clinic. 

9. The Clinic is not responsible for items left with the animal in the hospital (leashes, blankets, toys, etc.).

10. Hospitalized dogs are walked a minimum of 2 times a day, unless otherwise instructed by the attending or on-call doctor. 

11. Hospitalized cats have access to individual litter boxes. 

12. Animals that are particularly aggressive, uncooperative or carry infectious diseases are not admitted to the Hospital. In addition, in the case of dogs – dogs without a current vaccination against rabies are not admitted. 

13. The cost of hospitalization should be paid on an ongoing basis, no less than every 2 days of the animal’s stay in the Hospital. 

14. Bank account number of the Clinic: 

Account number: 33109025900000000152831730
Transfer details: Zviropolis Sp. z o.o. 
Bonarka Street 19/5
30-415 Cracow
NIP: 679-325-6989

15.  In case of failure to pay the costs of the animal’s stay at the Hospital on an ongoing basis, in accordance with the Regulations, the animal will be discharged from the Hospital. 

16. In the case of abandonment of an animal, the owner of the animal will be charged the full cost of the animal’s stay and treatment at the Hospital.

17. In the event of death of an animal in the Hospital is obliged to make a decision on the carcass (collection, collective cremation, individual cremation) up to 24h. After 24h, the corpse is handed over for collective cremation at the owner’s expense. In the case of the death of an animal, the items left behind can be collected up to 24h, then they are disposed of.

18. The cost of hospitalization does not include medicines and materials issued to the client at home.

19. The termination of hospitalization is decided by the attending physician. 

20. hospitalized animals may be discharged by the attending or on-call doctor before the expiration of the agreed date, only after a detailed discussion of all the recommendations and the appointment of a follow-up visit by the doctor.

21. suggestions and comments on the quality or manner of implementation of veterinary services provided by doctors and subordinate support staff of the Clinic should be sent to the e-mail address

22. Disputes shall be resolved on the basis of the Regulations and applicable law.

23. the Clinic reserves the right to amend the Regulations for important reasons, including:

(a) change of regulations or issuance of final and valid administrative decisions, or rulings of common courts ordering changes addressed to the Clinic, or change of interpretation of such laws as a result of court rulings, decisions, recommendations or recommendations of authorities or bodies competent in the field,

b) technical or organizational changes in the services provided within the Hospital and their scope,

c) analysis of complaints regarding the content of the Regulations,

d) organizational and administrative changes in the running of the Clinic or the Hospital, 

e) changes in the price list of services and products offered as part of the Hospital’s activities; 

(f) changes in clinical, treatment and therapeutic approaches resulting from the results of clinical research and the latest scientific studies.

24. All issues not regulated in these Regulations shall be governed by the regulations of the Clinic, made available to the pet owner for reading and acceptance. These Rules and Regulations, in particular, provide all information regarding the processing of personal data of animal keepers, in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ EU. L. of 2016 No. 119, p. 1, as amended).

I hereby declare that I have read the above Rules and Regulations and the Rules and Regulations of the Clinic, understand their provisions, and undertake to abide by them.