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We, Zviropolis, a limited liability company based in Krakow (Zviropolis), value your privacy. Therefore, we want to provide you with the most accurate information possible regarding our use of cookies and other similar technologies (collectively: cookies) in connection with your use of the website (Website).

Some of the cookies used on the Site are essential and necessary for the proper functioning of the Site. We do not need your consent to use these types of cookies (if these types of cookies contain certain information that constitutes personal data, it will be processed in order to support the operation of the Site). We also use other cookies for analytical and statistical purposes. For these types of cookies, we already need your consent.

In connection with our use of third-party services (Google and Facebook), some information may be transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) that do not provide an adequate level of personal data protection (in particular, the United States). Therefore, your consent to our use of first-party cookies and any consent to the use of other cookies will also be treated as consent to data transfers outside the EEA. Please note that you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time and that withdrawal of consent does not affect processing carried out prior to withdrawal.

See below for more details.

1.What are cookies and what are they used for?

Cookies are IT data (small text files) that an internet browser records and stores on electronic devices (e.g. a computer or phone). Cookies are placed in the browser by websites that the user visits.

Cookies allow us to recognise the user’s device in order to properly display a website that is tailored to the user’s individual preferences. Cookies allow you to store information that can be used to identify you and remember your actions. Cookies allow us to determine whether you have visited the website before, what settings you may have made (e.g., the language in which the website is displayed) and what information you have left (e.g., in the login panel so that you do not have to enter this information every time you visit the website).

Cookies are also used to provide certain information to website owners (such as Zviropolis) or other entities. This information is in the form of statistics and analysis that help to understand how the user uses the website, which then allows for appropriate improvements and increases the effectiveness of such websites.

2. What types of cookies are there?

There are basically two types of cookies:

a) “session cookies”, which are temporary files that remain on the user’s device until the user logs out, leaves the website or turns off the software (web browser). Thus, they are stored for the duration of your browser (session) and are deleted when you close the browser or exit the website;

b) “persistent cookies”, i.e. cookies that are not deleted when the browser is closed and remain on the user’s device for a certain period of time or even indefinitely until they are manually deleted by the user.

You can also distinguish cookies by their origin:

a)    “first-party cookies” (so-called “first-party cookies”), i.e. cookies that belong to the website being visited and can only be read by that website. Such cookies are placed directly by Zviropolis;

b) “first-party cookies” (also known as third-party cookies), i.e. cookies that are not placed directly by Zviropolis, but by Zviropolis’ suppliers/partners. We deal with such cookies when a website uses third-party services that also have their own cookies, such as Google or Facebook.

Cookies can also be divided according to the purpose they serve:

a)    “essential cookies”, i.e. cookies that help you use the website by enabling you to use basic functions such as website navigation and secure access to the website. Without these cookies, the website cannot function properly;

b) “first-party cookies” (also known as third-party cookies), i.e. cookies that are not placed directly by Zviropolis, but by Zviropolis’ suppliers/partners. We deal with such cookies when a website uses third-party services that also have their own cookies, such as Google or Facebook.

3. Are cookies personal data?

Generally, cookies are not personal data, but certain information stored in cookies, especially when combined with other information about you, may be considered personal data.

4.What technologies provided by external providers do we use?

Google Analytics

Zviropolis uses the functions provided by Google, in particular Google Analytics, to ensure the functioning of the Website and to collect anonymous data about visits to our website. Zviropolis analyses which pages you have visited, how long you spent on the site, and how you navigated the site. This allows us to create statistics and analytics that give Zviropolis a better understanding of the impact of the website on its users, which means that we can better adapt the website to the needs of users.

According to Google’s published information, most of the Google services, including Google Analytics in the European Economic Area and Switzerland, are provided by Google Ireland Ltd. (address: Google Building Gordon House, Barrow St, Dublin 4, Ireland).

However, due to the fact that the parent company of Google Ireland Ltd. is, in turn, Google LLC (address: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA), certain information generated by cookies about website use may be sent to the USA and stored there.

In connection with the above, we would like to inform you that the United States is a so-called “third country” (a country outside the European Economic Area, which consists of the EU countries, as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) within the meaning of the RODO. The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has recognised the United States as a country that does not provide an adequate level of personal data protection (i.e., one that meets the standards of the European Union). Indeed, if the data is transferred to the United States, there is a risk that it may be processed by US authorities/services for control and surveillance purposes, possibly without the possibility of legal protection. If you consent to the use of cookies by Google, including Google Analytics, this will also constitute consent to the possible transfer of your personal data to the United States (based on Article 49(1)(a) DPA).

For more information about Google’s privacy policy, please follow this link:

Facebook, including Facebook Pixel

Some of the cookies used by Zviropolis are also provided by Facebook, which is operated by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (address: 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland).

The Facebook Pixel tool is used for analytical and statistical purposes and allows us to reach users who visit the Site more effectively.

It is possible that Facebook combines this information with other information in its possession and may identify you on this basis and use the collected data for its own purposes.

We have no control over how Facebook Ireland Ltd. will use the information collected or where it will send it, and we want to inform you about this. We cannot exclude that the data will be sent to Meta Platforms Inc. in the United States. As we have described above (in the case of Google), the Court of Justice of the European Union has recognised the United States as a country that does not provide an adequate level of personal data protection (i.e., one that meets European Union standards). Indeed, if the data is transferred to the United States, there is a risk that it may be processed by US authorities/services for control and surveillance purposes, possibly without the possibility of legal recourse. If you consent to our use of cookies as part of the tools provided by Facebook, including Facebook Pixel, this will be simultaneously a consent to the possible transfer of your personal data to the United States (based on Article 49(1)(a) DPA).

More information about Facebook’s privacy policy can be found at this link:


The tool provided by Hotjar (Hotjar Limited, Level 2, St Julian’s Business Centre, 3, Elia Zammit Street, St Julian’s STJ 1000, Malta) allows us to conduct in-depth analytics of your behaviour on the Site (in particular, mouse movements, where you click, scrolling through the content of the Site), as well as some anonymous information about you (IP address, device and browser data).

However, we do not combine this information with other data we hold about you.

More information about Hotjar’s privacy policy can be found at this link:

5. How do I specify the conditions under which cookies are stored or accessed?

The user can configure their own settings for cookies, specifying the conditions under which they are stored, as well as access to these files on the device. The above settings can be changed by the user in the settings of the Internet browser and using the advanced settings tool available directly on the Website.

The settings can be changed to block the automatic processing of cookies in the browser settings or to inform you whenever a cookie is placed on your device. Detailed information on the possibility and methods of processing cookies in browsers is available in the software settings of the respective web browser.

The user can delete cookies at any time by using the available browser functions or by using the advanced settings tool available on the website.

6. How do I deactivate cookies in my browser?

Whether and how you can disable cookies depends on the browser you are using. Below you can find the addresses of the developers’ websites where you can disable cookies:

a) Mozilla Firefox:

b) GoogleChrome: 

c) Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8 and 9: 

d) Opera: 

e) Safari:

7. Can I block data collection by third-party providers?

Yes, each of the providers we use has provided a tool to help you manage the use of your personal data. We have provided links to each tool below.

Opt-out of Google Analytics

Facebook Disclaimer

Hotjar Opt out – log out

8. How else can I object to the use of cookies?

Any user may object to the use of tracking cookies by visiting the online advertising opt-out website, the US website or the European website

9. What cookies are used on the Website?

Essential Cookies – ensure the proper functioning of the Website and its basic functions. Without them, you will not be able to use its functions properly. These cookies do not require your consent.
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Analytics cookies – The Website uses cookies provided by an analytics cookie provider. Analytics cookies allow us to track the number and sources of visits so that we can measure and improve the performance of the Site. This type of cookie helps us to understand which pages are the most or least visited and how visitors move around the Site. If you refuse to save analytics cookies on your computer or smartphone, your visit will not be included in our statistics, but at the same time, it will not limit any functionality of the Site for you.
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10. consent to the installation of cookies

During your visit to the Website, a banner will be displayed informing you that the Website uses cookies. If you select the “Allow all” option, this means that you accept all cookies placed on the Website and confirm that you have read the information about cookies and the purposes for which they are used, as well as how the data collected through cookies is transferred to our partners.

Please note that your consent is not required for essential cookies, as these cookies ensure the full and smooth functioning of the Website. These cookies are exempt from the requirement to obtain your consent in accordance with Article 173(3) of the Telecommunications Act.

11. rohibiting the installation of cookies

If you do not want our cookies to be stored on your device, you can select the “Reject all” option. By selecting this option, you will reject all cookies, except for the technically necessary ones, that we use on the Site.

12. changing cookie settings

You can manage your cookie preferences in detail by checking the “Personalise” box on the cookie banner displayed on the screen.

You can change your consent at any time by clicking on [ ] on the Site.

13. Personal data

As some of the cookies we use contain personal data, we want you to be aware of your rights under the DPA:

a) The controller of your personal data, i.e. the entity that decides on the purposes and means of processing it, is Zviropolis Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Kraków, Bonarka 19/5, 30-415 Kraków;

б) You can contact the administrator by e-mail at or in writing to the address specified in paragraph a) above;

c) Your personal data may be processed in order to provide the basic functions of the Website (provision of services) on the basis of Article 6(1)(b) RODO for the entire duration of your stay on the Website.

d) In addition, if analytical activities are carried out or your preferences are recorded using cookies, the controller will obtain your consent to the storage of cookies on your device. In this case, the data will be processed for the duration of the individual cookies or until you object to the processing, whichever comes first. The basis for the processing is the controller’s legitimate interest in tracking how certain content on the Website is “clicked” on the basis of Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR);

(e) Your personal data may also be processed for the purpose of investigating or defending against claims (if any) on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) RODO, i.e. the controller’s legitimate interest in the possible establishment, investigation or defence of claims by judicial or extrajudicial means. This data will be processed until the expiry of the limitation period for that claim;

(f) The recipients of your personal data are the entities we have specified above, as well as entities providing us with IT support and web analytics agencies.

In addition, the controller reserves the right to disclose the selected information to competent authorities (e.g., authorities, courts, bailiffs and other institutions) or third parties requesting such information on the basis of the relevant legal framework and in accordance with the provisions of applicable law.

In connection with our use of the external suppliers listed above, some information may be transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

a) You have the right to:

– access to your data and receive a copy of your data,

– correcting (amending) their data,

– delete your data,

– to restrict the processing of their data,

– data transfer,

– object to the processing of their data,

– withdraw your consent to the processing of your data, but without affecting the processing that was carried out before the withdrawal of your consent,

– the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, i.e. the Head of the Office for Personal Data Protection;

b) The provision of data is voluntary but, in the case of essential cookies, is necessary to ensure the basic functions of the Website;

c) Your personal data will not be used by Zviropolis for the purpose of automated decision-making (including in the form of profiling) in such a way that as a result of such automated processing any decisions that would have legal consequences can be made.

14. changes to this cookie policy

We reserve the right to change this cookie policy at any time. Any changes to the cookie policy will be posted on the Website.